Welcome to the web site for the Robert the Bruce Association of California, 2021/22 Presidents Message:
The following speech was given by our President Simon McIlroy at the Annual Installation held on July 18, 2021
Greetings and let me first thank each and every one of you for making it out here today. I know we are all navigating uncertain times and with the rollercoaster ride that are the California Covid 19 mandates, we never know what is around the corner. A special thanks to all those who drove long distances to be with us today and those who took the time to join us on Zoom. I am always grateful for our entertainers and the wonderful Tam O’Shanter who never fails to accommodate our needs.
I am incredibly grateful for the trust you all have shown in allowing me the honor of leading this organization for the following calendar year. Being of Scottish descent it is especially meaningful to be able to take a part in the only Masonic group that is uniquely Scottish, outside of Scotland itself. As we are all familiar with the mostly French origin of the Scottish Rite, the fact that the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland is allegiant to the Grand Lodge of Scotland makes it one of the most unique and fascinating Masonic groups in the world.
And while we are not an official part of the structure of said Provincial Grand Lodge, we are made up of its membership and remain true in conduct to the principles of its founding. To quote the great Albert Pike, who was instrumental in the bringing of the degrees to the United States:
We have desired to create an association of worthy Masons and gentlemen, of all of the States and Territories, to assemble annually, not for dry discussions or for display, but for social intercourse and festive enjoyment, to the end that each may become richer at every meeting, by the acquisition of new friendships, and the strengthened ties of old ones; wiser, by learning to set a higher estimate on human nature; truer and nobler by self-correction, and the communion of wise and proud men.
We will always have it at heart to maintain and increase the honour and dignity of Freemasonry, as the Advocate and Defender of civil and religious liberty; to elevate and ennoble it and make it worthy of the respect of men of intellect and scholarship; and to prevent the removal of the ancient Landmarks.
I must confess that my mission and goals for this year are not unique, not do I see a need for them to be. In short, I want to see the existing Clan continue not only to remain strong but to grow, I want to see new Clans formed, and I want to see the continued support of the Robert the Bruce Association and the Royal Order of Scotland by the Clans. Just as Blue Lodge Masonry finds in its success the making of new Masons, we must always be on the lookout for deserving and worthy new members. Do you know someone in your community who has distinguished themselves by outstanding conduct? Has a Junior Past Master of your lodge shown exemplary potential? Do you know someone recently honored with the title of Knight York Cross of Honor or Knight Commander of the Court of Honor? Individuals such as these are often worthy of consideration for membership. And they do not need to be members of the Royal Order of Scotland to attend a social lunch. Invite and engage them and if deemed worthy nominate them for receipt of the degrees when appropriate.
The last thing I’ll leave you with is that I am here to help and support you all in any capacity that I can. I was tasked a few years ago with resurrecting a long dormant Clan, Stirling Bridge, who are co-hosting this lunch today. It was not as difficult as it may sound, and I bring this up for the sole purpose of laying down this challenge, if you are in an area without a local Clan start one! I assure you it is not as challenging as you might fear. All that is needed is a small group of Brothers who can best work and best agree and who want to see it become manifest. It is essentially a Scottish themed social group, and most regions have some Celtic performers, or at the very least some bagpipers, who would be more than happy to attend your luncheons and create memorable events. Reach out to your local St Andrews Societies or the organizers of your local Scottish Highland Games festivals. Even if you are not familiar with these, I assure you, they exist in every region of this country.
In closing, please send me, via our faithful Secretary Ron Alcorn, your meeting times and announcements and I will do my best to attend one over the course of the next year. Let us all work in unison to continue creating the wonderful memories and bonds of fraternal affection that come from the breaking of bread together and sharing a wee dram of the golden sunlight known as Scotch Whiskey in the service of Freemasonry. I look forward to seeing you all again soon and wish you safe travels.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Simon A. McIlroy, President